Busy, Busy, Busy!

It has been such a long, mad week that it feels like I last posted months ago!

Pwdin’s tummy bug took full hold and he was a very poorly and grumpy poppet. Everything was cancelled. No school, no respite just lots of love and plenty of huggles.  This illness happened to coincide with a week that a LOT of writing work came in so I am totally pooped. Most of the commissions were for new clients so I couldn’t afford to negotiate deadlines or turn the work down.

The days really were rolling one into the other. Pwd would wake up early with tummy rumbles and grumbles and want to cwtch his mammy. So, no time to write during the day. Once bedtime came I got to work though, often, I didn’t make it to bed before Pwd would wake in the early hours with cramps, sickness or liquid ickiness from the other end. Well, it wasn’t smearable at least.

By Thursday, though, the boy was on the bounce both literally and metaphorically. Just in time too, for a visit from his uncle Cion.  Aidan’s brother Cion lives in Ireland so we don’t all get together too much. Even so, my little Pwdin and his uncle wasted no time having great fun. At first, my Pwd was a little confused. Here was a man who looked a bit like Daddy but wasn’t Daddy but dressed like Daddy and picked him up and tickled him like Daddy but definately wasn’t Daddy. Just to  make sure Daddy hadn’t somehow replicated, Pwdin  insisted in his usual way – pushing and rugby tackling (that’s the only mention of rugby I’ll make, my heart is still aching)- that Daddy and uncle Cion sit side by side on the sofa.

Cion is a professionl percussionist (this was on the Romeo & Juliet soundtrack) so it was great to get an expert’s opinion on what we’ve noticed as a pronounced musical streak in Pwd. That’s not to say I think he’s any kind of musical prodigy just that he has fewer deficits and some degree of advanced ability for his age when it comes to music. Cion also put it bluntly, “That boy’s got charisma.”

It wasn’t just Pwdin that got a lot out of having his uncle around. Some great conversations were had long in to the night. The kind where, after a glass or two (make that bottle or two) of good red wine you know exactly what’s up with the world and how to fix it too. We set the world to rights so it’s just up to the rest of you to catch up, now! And KaBoom…that little mutt would have left home and crossed the Irish sea in a heart beat! When Cion left this afternoon he was bereft and needed consoling with cat food and cwtches.

The week ahead looks to be pretty full. I have to attend a multidisciplinary meeting at Pwdin’s school in the morning. If previous ones are anything to go by I’ll be livid at the end of it. Then, after school we have Pwd’s first ever parents’ evening. So, maybe, work permitting there’ll be another entry this week.

So, until then, Bye bye Unky Cion, we all miss you


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