Autismum at Skeptoid

As well as posts about the Pwd and my usual rants and raves about things autism and vaccine related, you can now, if you so choose, get more Autismum every Monday at Over there I will be writing about the stuff that would be off topic here. My first post is out today and is about amber teething beads which I wrote about here in the context of my complaint to the ASA.

I’m chuffed to be blogging at such a great site and I hope you’ll come over there too and check out the other excellent bloggers that make me feel a bit inferior!


  1. I’ve already posted at and you are well up to the task of blogging there. I’m so proud of you and your wonderful blogs, Autismum. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much! I’ve been getting plenty of suggestions for things to talk about over there but I won’t be neglecting Pwd fans xx

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